What Are the Best Strength Building Exercises for Competitive Cheer Stunting?

Whether you’re new to the world of cheerleading or a seasoned pro, you know that competitive cheer stunting requires a unique blend of strength, agility, and coordination. Not only do you need to be able to toss, catch, and maneuver your teammates (the flyers) with precision, but you also need the physical power to do so safely and effectively. So, what exercises can you incorporate into your training to boost your strength and enhance your cheer stunting skills? Let’s explore some of the most effective strength-building exercises to help enhance your performance as a cheerleader.

1. Leg and Core Strength Exercises

The base of any stunt in cheerleading is crucial, and it all stems from powerful leg and core muscles. These muscles are the foundation of your strength and will help you maintain balance and stability during demanding stunts. Here are a few exercises to incorporate into your routine to build these essential muscle groups.

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Squats are a fantastic exercise for building leg strength. They target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, all of which play a significant role in stunting. Squats can be performed with or without weights. If you’re a beginner, start with body weight squats and gradually introduce weights as you become stronger.


For core strength, nothing beats a good plank. This exercise engages the entire core, including the lower back and oblique muscles. Regularly practicing planks will help improve your stability and control during stunts.

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2. Upper Body Strength Exercises

In cheerleading, especially as a base or backspot, upper body strength is paramount. This strength helps you lift and catch the flyers without strain. Here are a couple of exercises to boost your upper body power.


Push-ups are a classic exercise for building upper body strength. They work the chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles. You can modify push-ups to match your current fitness level and gradually increase the difficulty as you become stronger.

Bent-over Rows

This exercise works several muscles in the upper body, including the back, shoulders, and biceps. Bent-over rows are performed with a barbell or dumbbells and involve lifting the weight towards your chest while bending at the waist.

3. Flexibility and Balance Exercises

While strength is pivotal in cheerleading, flexibility and balance also play major roles. These elements help in the execution of stunts and can prevent injuries. Here are some exercises to boost your flexibility and balance.


Yoga can work wonders for flexibility, balance, and overall body strength. Many yoga poses specifically target areas crucial for cheerleading stunts, such as the core, hip flexors, and shoulders.

Leg Raises

Leg raises, both standing and lying down, are great for improving balance and flexibility. They target the hips, thighs, and core, areas that are integral to cheerleading.

4. Plyometric Exercises

Plyometric exercises, also known as jump training, are incredibly beneficial for cheerleaders. These exercises help improve explosive strength, a critical quality for stunting.

Box Jumps

Box jumps are a plyometric exercise that targets the leg muscles and improves your ability to jump high. This is particularly beneficial for bases who need to toss flyers into the air.


Burpees are a full-body exercise that combines a squat, push-up, and jump into one powerful movement. They’re great for improving cardiovascular fitness, strength, and agility, making them a top choice for cheerleaders.

5. Weight Training

Finally, incorporating regular weight training into your routine can significantly enhance your cheer stunting ability. Weight training targets specific muscle groups, improving your overall strength and endurance.


Deadlifts are an excellent weight training exercise for cheerleaders. They work the entire body, especially the posterior chain, which includes the hamstrings, glutes, and back muscles – all vital for stunting.

Bench Press

For upper body strength, the bench press is a timeless choice. It works the chest, shoulders, and triceps, which are all crucial for lifting and catching flyers.

Remember, consistency is key in strength training. Incorporating these exercises into your routine will not only make you a stronger cheerleader but also a more resilient athlete. Always ensure you’re using proper form and technique to prevent injuries and reap the benefits of your hard work.

6. Functional Training for Cheerleading

Functional training focuses on exercises that mimic the movements you perform during stunts. This type of training not only enhances your strength but also improves your body control, coordination, and balance – all critical for cheerleading.

Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell swings are a powerful exercise for fostering functional strength. They engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, increasing your overall body strength. The continuous swinging motion requires coordination and control, boosting your ability to maneuver flyers with precision.

Battle Ropes

Battle ropes are another excellent tool for functional training. They not only build strength in the upper body but also offer a killer core workout. Their use involves a range of motion, offering a comprehensive exercise that promotes stability and enhances your performance during complex cheer stunts.

7. Incorporating Cardio into Your Strength Conditioning

Cheerleading is a high-intensity activity that demands plenty of energy. Incorporating cardio workouts into your training program will help boost your stamina and endurance, enabling you to perform cheer stunts with vigor throughout an entire routine.


Running is a simple but effective cardio workout that builds leg strength and boosts your cardiovascular fitness. It’s also great for improving your overall stamina, ensuring you can sustain your energy levels during a performance.

Jump Rope

Jumping rope is a fantastic cardio exercise that also promotes coordination and agility. It targets your lower body, particularly the calves, enhancing your jumping ability – a crucial skill for any cheerleader.


Becoming a stronger cheerleader necessitates a comprehensive approach to training that includes building strength in your upper body, lower body, and core, as well as improving your flexibility, balance, agility, and endurance. This article has outlined a variety of strength training exercises to incorporate into your routine, including functional training and cardio.

Consistency in your training regimen is key to seeing improvements in your cheer stunting abilities. Whether you’re squatting, bench pressing, doing burpees, or running, always remember to use proper form and technique. This will help prevent injuries and ensure you’re getting the full benefits from each exercise.

Ultimately, strength conditioning is about more than just building muscle. It’s about enhancing your overall athletic performance, enabling you to execute cheer stunts with greater ease, safety, and precision. So, keep pushing yourself, stay dedicated to your training program, and you’ll soon see the difference on the cheer mat.

Remember, it’s not just about becoming a stronger cheerleader physically. Mental strength is equally important. Believe in your abilities, maintain a positive attitude, and don’t be afraid to challenge yourself.

Incorporate these exercises into your routine and you’ll not only become a stronger cheerleader but a more resilient and versatile athlete. Always remember, your hard work and dedication will pay off in the end. Happy training!